
Official page

Central Electoral Commission

of the Republic of Moldova

Constitutional referendum and presidential elections in 42 days

Subdivisions of the apparatus

The Election management division, a subdivision of the CEC Staff, consists of 6 units of personnel and ensures the implementation of policies and legal provisions for organising and conducting elections and the referendums.


Among its tasks, the Division undertakes the scheduling of electoral activities; provides methodological assistance to subordinate bodies, to local public authorities, to parties and to other socio-political organizations within the process of organizing and conducting elections and referendums; provides the necessary logistical support; supervises the uniform application of electoral legislation and implementation of the scheduled actions; drafts templates of electoral documents; ensures post-electoral actions and keeps records on vacancies in elective office. The Election Management Division is also to supervise the management of the lists of electors, as well as drafting and ensuring the development of the programmes on the exercise of the right to vote by some special categories of voters.


The Division, along with other divisions of the institution, contributes to the drafting of the regulatory framework regarding the implementation of the State Automated Informational System "Elections " and to the implementation of its basic functions, as well as to the drafting of proposals for amending and completing the electoral legislation, according to its competence, in order to improve the existing legal framework.

The Information Technology and Voters Lists Management Division consists of 6 personnel units. Among the main tasks of the Division is the development, implementation and maintenance of the informational systems designed for the management of the elections. One of the priorities of the Division is the management of the electoral lists.


Its employees provide assistance to persons with responsibility for the drafting and adjustment of electoral lists, creates tools aimed at improving the registration process of the elections, provides support to officials of the Central Election Commission in accordance with its competence, maintains the web page of the Commission, and ensures the smooth functioning of technical equipment owned by the Central Electoral Commission.

The Analysis and Documentation Division ensures the drafting of analyses and reports related to the organisation and conduct of the elections and referendums, coordinates the planning, the coordination, the monitoring, the control and the evaluation of policies in the electoral field, as well as CEC strategies and action plans.     


The divisios provides to CEC members and to all subdvisions the necessary support regarding preparation of analysis and synthesis of existing statistical data, of the recommendations of the observers′ reports, and of the recommendations and standards developed by different international organizations.


Within the Division there are 5 units of personnel.

The Legal Department is a structural subdivision of the Commission Staff, with the main objective of providing legal assistance to the Central Election Commission.


In line with its tasks, the Legal Division exercises its powers and main functions in the following fields: providing drafts and notifications of bills; management of the uniform application of electoral legislation; representing Commission in lawsuits pending in court; concluding contractual relations and the process of purchasing goods and services for the Commission; keeping records of cases of sentencing of the elected mayors; and participation in the training of electoral staff.

The financial and economic Division has as its main task the implementation of the economic-financial policies regarding the organisation and the conduct of the elections. This subdivision is in charge with the precise organisation of book-keeping of the Central Electoral Commission, of the electoral councils during the electoral period and of the fairness of financing the electoral opponents.  


The personnel of the Division provides methodological assistance to civil servants of the Commission's apparatus, to electoral officials, to electoral opponents and coordinates their training process according to its field of competence.

The Mission of the Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns Financing Oversight and Control Division is to contribute to the achievement of the Commission's duties on monitoring, analysis, verification and control of the political parties and electoral campaigns financing, observing the the legislation in force and international standards.

Key responsibilities:

In order to achieve its mission, the Division performs the following duties:

a) oversight the uniform application of the legal provisions on political parties and electoral campaigns financing;

b) managing the process of gathering, summary, analysis, verification, publication and archiving the financial management reports of political parties, as well as the initiative groups and electoral campaigns financing reports;

c) participation in the process of examination and resolution of notifications and appeals on violation of legal provisions regarding the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns;

d) coordinating the process of controlling the political parties and electoral campaigns financing, as well as the process of documenting and resolution of violations;

e) providing informational, methodological, technical and instructive assistance, within the limits of its competence;

f) offering assistance to the CEC, in the processes pending in the courts, related to the field of its competence;

g) management and development of the SSI "Financial Control" Module (together with the Information Technologies and Management of Voters Lists Division).

The Communications, Public Relations and Media  Division is a subdivision of the Central Electoral Commission with its main objective to improve and facilitate the communication of the Central Electoral Commission with other organisations interested in the electoral process and with citizens.


The objectives of the Division are to establish and develop relations of the CEC with media representatives, electoral institutions of other States, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, political parties, and diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Moldova; to draft and implement electoral educational and informational programmes for the citizens; to promote the image and transparency of CEC’s work.

The Human Resource Services is a recently instituted structural unit of the Commission. The necessity to create a separate structural unit became evident as a result of the operating changes in the legislation regulating public service. Thus, according to regulations in force the subdivision of human resources is instituted as an autonomous structural subdivision, directly submitted to the head of the public authority.


The main tasks of the Human Resource Services are as follows:

  • ensuring the staff management procedures by scheduling, coordinating, organising, conducting, monitoring and evaluating the implementation in the CEC Staff of the staff procedures and of the process of professional development of civil servants;
  • preparing documents and the relevant papers, participating as secretary in the specialised commissions relating to staffing;
  • drafting decisions and normative acts in the field of human resources;
  • ensuring the uniform application of the legislation relating to the public service and labour legislation;
  • keeping records of data and documents (files, employment record book) on the staff, as well as observing planning and granting all types of leave.

The internal audit service is also a recently established structural unit within the Central Electoral Commission.


The basic tasks of the Internal Audit Service are:

  • supporting the regularity management in assessing and improving the electoral processes; and
  • risk management and control designed to contribute to the attainment of the objectives of Central Electoral Commission and the adequate management of the risks.